

we can't answer for sure, but if you clicked on this website out of an earnest desire to have that question answered it seems like a definite possibility!

as an experiment: how would you feel if this page looked like this instead?

I'm still not sure, though.

that's ok! here are some resources we've found that might help with figuring this out!

  • does it work? and the power of naming by the vickis. two articles on the topic of labeling plurality and whether doctors should hold most of the power in labeling plurality respectively
  • how do I know i'm multiple? by sarah k reece. slightly medically focused but has advice anyone questioning can apply
  • @headmatesfaq/tagged/questioning plural questioning resource tag
  • how do i know if i'm plural? (links to other resources within) exhaustive list of potential plural experiences both disordered and not
  • you might be multiple if... generally medically focused list of things systems often do or experience
  • everyone has parts of themselves... similar description of plural things to above, but median-specific
  • dissociative experiences scale-ii. medical tool; doubles as a pretty good list of specifically dissociative experiences
  • how to tell if your imaginary friend is sentient. focused on accidentally created plurality; particularly applicable to fictional character muses or similar
  • you might be a soulbonder if... similar to the above, focuses on plurality related to fiction writing
  • (general resource, recommended if you'd like an accessible 101 on various aspects of living while plural)
  • vocab resources in order from smallest to largest:, the r/plural glossary, and pluralpedia
  • finally, if reading through all that seems like a lot, here's an exercise taken from a lot of the linked articles:
  • just let yourself act on the assumption that you're plural for a little while and pay attention to how it feels. is it easy? is it hard? are you getting feedback you didn't expect?
  • don't feel pressured to express yourself like other plurals you may know. do what feels best for you.
  • ultimately, only you can know whether you're plural. but we hope this website at least helps a little!

    (heavily) inspired by Am I Nonbinary? and Am I Trans?.